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tv   CBS News Sunday Morning  CBS  November 2, 2014 9:00am-10:31am EST

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captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations >> osgood: good morning i'm charles osgood this is "sunday morning." as you can tell we're not quite ready to let go of halloween just yet. nor are we ready to say goodbye to baseball. many people are saying this past week's world series was one of the most thrilling games they have seen. the resourceful players we'll be showing you this morning they play by ear. they play a game with the aid of
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a beeping ball and as mark strassmann describe in our cover story. >> it's the first lesson of baseball. keep your eye on the ball. but what if you can't see the ball. can't see anything. >> when you're on the field, tell me how you play. it seems very instinctive. >> my ears become my eyes. >> the beep baseball world series, it will open your eyes later on "sunday morning." >> osgood: bradley cooper is an actor from philadelphia already made it big in hollywood. now he's moving on to broadway and serena altschul will take us along. >> his movies have made more than $2 billion worldwide and earned him two oscar nominations. but for bradley cooper, this may be the most personal role yet. >> thank you for coming. >> you seal a sense of
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responsibility? >> very much so. >> this is a dream come true for you. >> yeah. it's absolutely surreal. >> a life long journey bringing the elephant man to broadway. ahead on "sunday morning." >> osgood: a story from david martin about a strong and talented mother's love for her remarkable fallen son. ♪ >> it's hard to imagine two more different worlds than the marines and ballet. but not for amy wolfe whose son colin was killed in iraq. >> are they really that different? >> not at all. marine corps, they are all together as one body fighting together. ballet corps all dancing together as one body. >> ahead on "sunday morning." the ballet dancer who became a marine. >> osgood: a familiar friend from the classic tv series is
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launching, relaunching a different kind of show. so we'll be hearing an exchange ever questions and answers between lisa kudrow and lee cowan. >> i am sorry but i'm incredibly talented. >> lisa kudrow made tv history once with "friends." but now she's doing it again. >> mellow, hello. welcome to my trailer on the studio lot. come on in. >> her new show is an old show back on the air after nine years. >> did you ever think you'd come back all these years? >> no. >> lisa kudrow's come back and why she's so interested in headaches, ahead, on "sunday morning." >> osgood: mo rocco hits the trail with candidate of mayor for providence. steve hartman introduces to a
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boy hunting to collect a lifetime of sights. marcia teichner looks at the color of mourning, the most liberal and most conservative towns in america. and more. first headlines this "sunday morning" the 2nd of november, 2014. islamic state militants rounded up and shot and killed at least 50 people. some of the dead are said to be women and children. islamic extremist group boko haram more than 200 nigerian school girls kidnapped some six girls have converted to islam have been married off. in california virgin galactic founder paid tribute to the test pilots involved in the crash of his test-based tourism rocket. one died and another was injured in friday's crash. lava from the kilauea volcano
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has stalled from the main road. the lava flow has slowed the volcano is still active. and in south carolina, the first snow of the season there about two inches in areas around greenville. more fret tee than a problem but a sign of things to come. now today's weather, cold and windy in the northeast. cool, but sunny across the southeast. snow and rain are expected across the mountain west. a cool start to the week in many areas but should warm up, enjoy it while you can. ahead, we make friends with actress lisa kudrow. but first -- meet the all-stars of beep baseball. in 2001, doctor manan trivedi joined the marines.
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ryan costello went into politics. trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. and while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his campaign contributors -even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. in congress, only trivedi will do what's right for you. i'm manan trivedi, and i approve this message.
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newspapers speak out. tom corbett has been something of a disaster. tom corbett cut spending on education by a billion dollars... it's time for a change. elect tom wolf, and you'll get the type of governor we haven't seen for a while... who looks out for average, hard-working pennsylvanians. it's wolf who has solid ideas for bringing in new business and for boosting the economy. tom wolf for governor, a fresh start for pennsylvania.
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[ weep e beeping ] >> osgood: it is called a beep baseball. announces its location, speed and direction. with every beep. allowing some very determined lovers of the game to play it by ear. our cover story reported now by mark strassmann. >> you might think a 32-year-old
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father of four playing in a baseball league is just a guy trying to relive his youth. and in brandon chesser's case, you'd be right. sports were brandon's life as a kid growing up in texas. little did he know then, sports would be what saved his life. it all started when he was eight. >> i was standing in right field during a baseball game and there was a ball hit and it was hit directly to me but i never knew it was out there. everything beyond ten feet was a blur. i ended up crying in the dug out, i kept telling my mom, i can't see 'em. i can't see 'em. >> brandon was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa a degenerative eye disease. higs vision loss was gradual. in high school he could still read textbooks and even played varsity football. but by his early 20s, brandon could hardly see. >> everybody past three feet was
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a kaleidoscope and everything between my nose and three feet were blurred shapes. >> must have been hard to take. >> it was very hard. i couldn't compete on an athletic level any more. or i felt that way. and i didn't know what to do with my life. i didn't know which direction to turn. >> but in 2006 life began looking up. he met his few fewer wife, pam. she's also blind. and on their first date brandon told her about his childhood love of sports and she told him about the austin blackhawks and beep baseball. amazing to watch. imagine playing, unable to see anything. some players have partial sight. others none at all. they all wear blindfolds so that no one has an edge.
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but because everyone can hear, the ball and the bases all make a beeping sound. >> the blindfold goes on i make the transition. my ears become my eyes. >> lupe was born blind. think about it. he has never actually seen a baseball game. but perez started playing in 1990 and is now considered one of the sport's all-time greats. what is your favorite part? >> winning. >> beep baseball began 40 years ago, a telephone engineer named charles bear banks created ball that beeps. >> inside of this silicone structure is old telephone speaker and batteries with a beeper. >> today more than two dozen
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teams compete in the u.s., taiwan and dominican republic using rules adapted for blind athletes. there are only two bases, first and third. each marked by a padded pylon. when a batter let's a fair ball a lab tomorrow beep tells him which base to run to f. he touches the base before a fielder gets hold of the beeping ball, it's a run. if not it's an out. in this game the pitcher, the only player who can sees on the same team as the batter. the pitcher calls "get ready." and the batter listens for the beep and times the swing. kevin same ton has pitched for the austin blackhawks for 29 years. every since he found the the team with his brother, wayne, who was blind. what you do for them, what do they do for you? >> there was a synergy between
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the batter and the pitcher that is like nothing else in sport. >> there really is a trust relationship in all of this. >> that's why we call ourselves a family. because we're closer than a team, we trust one another. we have faith in one another. >> for people say, that's nice. blind people are playing a game. how competitive is this for people who have never seen it before? >> you're talking about grown men and women playing a sport where they will do anything to get that championship title. >> back in august, brandon and the blackhawks along with 19 other teams traveled to rochester, minnesota, for 39th annual beep baseball world series. the blackhawks swept their first five games. one more team to beat, an indianapolis power house, the rhi extreme.
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by the last inning, austin led 14-8. >> get it. >> wow. >> brandon chesser caught the final out. the austin blackhawks saw themselves for who they were. world champions. >> for folks who watch this story is there a message from this team to the sighted who are all about possibility in all this. >> don't let anybody ever tell you you can't do that and i've always been told, can't do. that now i'm a world champion even though i'm blind. >> osgood: next, three cheers for cheerleaders.
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♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra. ♪ oh wait, oyou got it?falling.... we need nails. with just five minutes' prep, campbell's slow cooker sauces help you cook a real dinner, right in the middle of real life. >> osgood: and now a page from our "sunday morning" almanac. november 2, 1898, 116 years ago today. a date worth cheering about. for that was the day football fan johnny campbell of the university of minnesota became america's first widely acknowledged cheerleader.
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schools across the land followed campbell's example and for the next quarter century america's cheer lead he is were exclusively men, honored men at that. the reputation of having been a valiant cheer leader is one of the most valuable things a boy can take away from college. the "nation" magazine wrote back in 1911. it ranks hardly second to that of having been a quarterback. in some cases, it proved a stepping stone for the presidency. franklin roosevelt led cheers at harvard. as did dwight eisenhower at west point. ronald reagan at eureka college in illinois. and george w. bush at yale. of course women have long since joined the cheerleading ranks including meryl streep, madonna even supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg, among many others. not always been fun and games. in 1991, wanda webb holloway
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made unsuccessful lot to murder the mother of the girl who in junior high cheerleading ud squad. case inspired hbo movie with holly hunter in the starring role. >> i don't know, 20,000. >> cheerleading has good-natured kidding. as with will ferrell and cheri oteri on "saturday night live." today cheerleading goes far beyond anything johnny campbell could imagine. still his alma mater honors him incorporating part of his cheer, the fight song.
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>> osgood: coming up. dressed in black. and you'll see just how much it has to offer, especially if you're thinking of moving an old 401(k) to a fidelity ira. it gives you a wide range of investment options... and the free help you need to make sure your investments fit your goals -- and what you're really investing for. tap into the full power of your fidelity green line. call today and we'll make it easy to move that old 401(k) to a fidelity rollover ira. if yand you're talking toevere rheumyour rheumatologiste me, about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain
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and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira giving me new perspective. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work
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>> osgood: a blessing quite sublime. while we slept the clocks fell back we're now on standard time.
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>> osgood: the widow wore black. wasn't always a matter of choice, once upon a time it was mandatory. martha teichner takes us back to an expression of grief was also a fashion statement. >> it was halloween, but a strange phenomenon was over taking new york's metropolitan museum lately. >> i'm a fashionista in every era. >> people keep showing up as if they have lost their nearest and dearest. a century and a half ago. >> here people are born in the wrong century. >> they dress up like this, but imagine wearing nothing but black head to toe for years.
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what the well-dressed mourner wore in that era is the subject of the met's look at mourning attire between 1815 and 1915. >> would have been worn during a period of deep mourning. >> the first stage. >> deep mourning. >> jessica regan is a curator of the met show. >> it's covered completely in mourning crepe which has a very distinctly crinkled, almost pebbled surface and it's finished with a starch. it's rather stiff. >> and dull black, crape, that is c-r-aa-p-e is what a respectable american or european widow was expected to wrap herself in during victorian times. >> there was an expectation at least in the first stages of mourning that one would wear the veil over the face. >> that was year one.
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in year two a little was permissible. but wait, there was more. an additional six months of so-called half-mourning, a hint of white or color was okay. men by comparison had it easy. >> suggested only a period of three months mourning nor a widower, black suit that men wore anyway was already fairly appropriate for mourning attire. he can simply add a crape band around his top hat. >> dressing simply in black for mourning like a nun, actually, goes back to the middle ages. queen victoria's approach to mourning overkill, so to speak. she wore black for 40 years after her husband died. but what the royals did trickled down to the middle class. how?
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fashion magazines. >> from the late 18th and early 19th centuries, fashion magazines emerged and they really offered much more detailed information for a much broader spectrum of society of the latest fashions, that included mourning fashions. >> in major cities, there were whole department stores, warehouses devoted to fashionable mourning wear. like today's wedding salons. but mourning was about more than clothes. >> go on forever. >> you can do without it. >> in "gone with the wind" scarlet o'hara, courted scandal for dancing. world war 1 changed the rules. >> there were so many men who were lost in that conflict that the idea of massive mourning was
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just too much to contemplate. >> mary davis is dean of graduate studies at the fashion institute of technology in new york city. >> look at emily post writings in the 1920s, there aren't the compare sieve to hide your face. it's a much lightened up version. >> by the 1920s. fashion designers, notably coco chanel had repurposed widow's as the little black dress. fabulously unfuneraleal in "breakfast at tiffany's." and yet think of jackie kennedy at jfk's funeral. the black suit, the crape vail. >> if you look ahead to princess diana's funeral in 1997, prince charles showed up to that event
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wearing navy blue suit rather than black because as he says, it was her favorite suit. it's still common to wear black. but that's not necessary. what's more important is to be neat and pressed and dignified and to respect the memory of the person who is lost. >> white is the traditional color of mourning in china, india and japan. but with halloween still in mind, we thought we'd return to the metropolitan museum to descend into the gloom and celebrate basic black. >> osgood: still to come. lisa kudrow on life after "friends." >> i was with five other people who became famous and it was kind of harrowing. >> osgood: later, in honor of
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>> wait. i'm getting a deja vu. no, i'm not. all right. we have to talk. >> there it is.
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>> it's "sunday morning" on cbs. and here again is charles osgood. >> osgood: lisa kudrow had millions of fans on the long running television show "friends." what is she up to these days? lee cowan with a round of questions and answers. >> were you glad that it ended when it ended, "friends"? >> no. >> no? >> no. you wanted it to go on longer. >> yeah, i could have. we were making a lot of money, too, by the way. there's that. >> where did he get him? >> my friend bethel rescued him from some lab. >> that is so cruel. whyy would a parent name their child bethel? >> for ten years, lisa kudrow's phoebe buffay and five famous friends blended as smoothly as the coffee at central perk. >> ♪ smelly cat, what are they feeding you ♪ everybody --
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>> the final episode of "friends" was the fourth most watched series finale in history. >> i guess this is it. >> when it ended left kudrow wondering how do you top a show that became a cultural phenomenon. >> certainly not doing another sitcom. i just did "friends" i'm going to try to tell the world i've got something else. no. that's not going to happen. that's just an impossibility. >> unlike her costars, many went to romantic comedy route. kudrow chose roles a little more off beat. >> this is my come back. i'm going to tape that again. >> the first role was valley cherish fading sitcom star with the reality show just to get back in the limelight. >> so desperate for a comeback they have cameras fall them
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around all day. >> only lasted one sees glob hello, hello. welcome to my trailer on the studio lot. come on in. >> now, nine years later, hbo making series about a neurotic older sitcom actress. >> what? >> hbo is giving the come back a comeback. >> you have to hold the record i think for longest amount of time between season one and two. >> i think so. something to be proud of. >> the often biting critique and high wattage tendency toe exploit those willing to do anything for fame. >> one of my fears back then, i don't know how people are going to survive it. i was with five other people who became fall famous it was kind of harrowing. >> you were starting to explore back then kind of came true. >> absolutely came true. and worked.
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no privacy. anything goes. very intimate, personal things about a family and a marriage. that that's entertain. >> her social commentary hasn't stopped there. >> you're muted now so i can't hear you because the section has ended. >> kudrow also takes aim at the internet in "web therapy" now on showtime. >> i was getting the impression last couple of sessions that i was boring you and -- >> i have enough of an inner intellectual life to keep interested in anything that eastbound you could be saying. >> she plays the dubiously credentialed doctor who figures age of social media three-minute web chat can pass for psychotherapy. >> i i have done the 90 minute sections with people but they end up going on and on about dreams and feelings and memories
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and past experience, is that add up to a whole lot of nothing. >> okay. >> from producing documentary series "who do you think you are" on tlc where kudrow and other celebrities trace their family roots. >> this is amazing. i don't believe it. >> for kudrow exploring her jewish great grandmother's execution at the hands. nazis during world war ii was sobering. >> it made me really angry. on so many levels. it's that depressing realization that human beings are cruel and stupid.
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>> lisa kudrow grew up in tarzana, california, the daughter of a doctor. this is it, huh? >> yeah. this was it. my locker rer was down there. >> she made it to middle school she was as studious as they come and also pretty self conscious. >> that's too bad. >> that's you? >> well, yeah. i had dark hair. that's a girl waiting for her nose job. >> you knew that you always wanted to get it done. >> i knew i was going to get it done. >> because why? >> are your eyes not working? what do you mean? >> you thought it was bad? >> that's not optical illusion that's a big nose. >> the studious nature not too many friends. >> you had a lunch experience. >> panic. >> yeah? >> yeah.
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like, do i know anyone that will let me sit with them. i don't know. yeah. it was bad sometimes. it was really bad. >> so she stuck to the books and headed for vassar college where she studied evolutionary biology. she had plans to become a doctor, just like her dad, even co-authored a research paper with him on headaches. where was all that comedy hiding then before? >> it was there. sort of, you know. but i just thought, well, that's just for fun and, you know, you don't actually -- this isn't a life goal. >> but all along there were whispers of something else. >> i'd be home on break driving around in l.a. i'd hear commercials on the radio for sitcom and, i don't know, out of no where, i hear, hitting that joke too hard. remember to throw it away when you do it. >> when you do it.
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>> when you do it. what did your parents think? >> great! oh, thank, god! maybe you'll lighten up now and maybe meet a man. >> she decided to join the groundlings the legendary comedy improv group. for eight long years struggled until landed a role opposite kelsey grammer on "frazier" but in rehearsals it wasn't working. >> when i got fired i thought, okay, so maybe this isn't meant to be. >> acting in general? >> yeah, like you get this huge opportunity and it didn't work out. maybe you're just not one of those people for whom it works out. >> to pay the rent she took one last job, a walk on role ross a waitress on the sitcom "mad about you." >> i don't recommend the clam
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clouder. >> why? >> we're out of it. >> kudrow was so funny became a recurring character. "friends" was right around the corner. >> you're a twin? >> yeah, we don't speak. she's like this high powered driven career type. >> what does she do? >> she's a waitress. >> ever think what your life would be like if you gone in to medicine or research. >> i would have been happy. just as happy. yeah, yeah. >> now at 51, a wife and a mother, kudrow remains passionate about school, only instead of science now focused on getting art back in to the public curriculum. she was back in junior high an awkward girl with few friends who thought she'd study evolution. >> high five. >> turns out lisa kudrow has
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evolved quite nicely herself. >> osgood: next in search of red, white and blue. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. enbrel helps relieve pain and stop joint damage. i've been on the course and on the road. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding,
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or paleness. enbrel helped relieve my joint pain. but the best part of every journey... dad!!! coming home. ask if enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists, can help you stop joint damage. do you have nutritional gaps in your diet? try the improved formula of boost® original nutritional drink. each delicious serving provides... 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle, and 26 essential vitamins and minerals including calcium and vitamin d to support bone health. plus, boost contains 3 grams of fiber which helps support digestive health. try boost original nutritional drink today.
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woman: for soft beautiful feet, my secret is the new amopé pedi perfect foot file. its microlumina rotating head buffs away hard skin even on those hard-to-reach spots. it's amazing. you can see it and feel it. for soft, beautiful feet. amopé pedi perfect. >> osgood: just in time for election day, a little politics courtesy of the website which used variety of measures to determine the ten best places to live for liberals,
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conservatives and even centrists, we don't have time for all 30 just top three towns for each persuasion. for liberals, third place goes to somerville, massachusetts, outside boston. second is hoboken, new jersey, just across from manhattan. first place no further than berkeley, california. for conservatives, the best places are a bit more off the beaten path. third is clinton, utah, just outside ogden. second is crestview, florida, right in the middle of the panhandle. and finishing first, alabaster, alabama, fast growing suburb of birmingham. so where is the middle of the road centrist. how about indio, california, a desert town east of los angeles. for second place bend, oregon, near the cascade range. or else that centrist oasis, first place, spokane valley in eastern washington.
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coming up -- >> had what it took to be a good marine. >> how could you tell that? >> he was determined. >> here in york, pennsylvania we've built the largest distributor of kitchen cabinets in the nation. we've got american-made products that are beating out chinese imports. so, i know pennsylvania can be a leader in manufacturing and we can make things again. but we have to invest in education and a skilled workforce today. i'm tom wolf and i have a plan. we can do great things, but we have to think ahead. tom wolf for governor. a fresh start for pennsylvania.
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion
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even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. >> osgood: for parents of fallen warriors do whatever they can to keep the memory of their children alive. which is why one mother is taking such extraordinary steps for colin. david martin has her story. >> ballet dancers with all their grace and fluidity would seem toe in habit a different universe than marines. you can call marines a lot of thing, but graceful would not be one of them. hard to imagine for most people i think two more different worlds. >> exactly. >> amy wolfe, the director of
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the manassas ballet theater in virginia has lived in both worlds. >> are they really that different? >> not at all. you can even take the word corps, marine corps and corps of ballet, marine corps, they are altogether as one body. fighting together. ballet corps all dancing together as one body. >> amy's son colin grew up dancing. which combined with his slight stature earned him more than his fair share of teasing as a teenager but then he joined the marines. >> 18, right out of high school. next day. >> that doesn't exactly sound like a logical progression, 15-year-old ballet dancer, 18-year-old marine, how did that happen? >> september 11th, 2001. >> really? >> reel glee that was his inspiration. >> that was his crystallizing
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moment. >> turns out ballet dancer make good marines, at least this one did. >> he definitely had what it took to be a good marine. >> how could you tell that? >> he was determined. he would always ask me what else key do to better him. >> did you know he had been a ballet dancer? >> no. no, i didn't know that. >> steven hill and other marines in the unit didn't find out undill after colin was killed. his vehicle hit a roadside bomb in iraq in 2006. >> i ran up to the vehicle and tried to help them to -- to get him out. >> were you able to? >> no. we weren't able to. there was a huge fire on his side where he was at. >> so you just had to stand there and -- >> i tried as hard as i could to get the fire out with the fire
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extinquisher until it ran out. >> now eight years later, hill is an unlikely presence in the rehearsal studio. >> as i explained i'm using ballet as a metaphor. there's no way to mimic exactly what you did. >> colin's mother has put to dance the short life and violent death of her son from, basic training to his burial at arlington national cemetery. it was a chance encounter with colin's parents at his gravesite that brought hill in to the world of ballet. >> i went to visit him at his grave, i was taking my time, talking to him. i saw a car pull up and then they got out and started walking in my direction, oh, man,ly don't come over here. >> you were afraid it would be his parents. >> i was very afraid because i wasn't ready to face 'em. i still felt guilty. >> did you tell them you were
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there when he was killed? >> yeah. i'm pretty sure i told them that i was right behind him when it happened. >> did they want to know any more at the time? >> they didn't ask. and if they had i wasn't ready to tell. >> but once she decided to create the ballet, colin's mother wanted to know everything. >> did i also want to know exactly how he died, absolutely. because that is in the ballet. >> doesn't doing something like that guarantee that you're going to be prisoner of these painful memories? >> colin became alive again and therefore, for me, colin died again. this full-length ballet has been torture. >> the role of colin is danced by joshua burnham who some 27 years old exactly the age colin would be today if he had lived. he is the perfect fit for colin.
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>> she brought in one of his dress uniforms for me to put on, it was like it had been tailor made for me. except for the hair. amy wolfe was the obvious perfect choice for the role of collin's mother. but would she have the heart. >> right now i am rehearsing. i am doing my role. but i have not decided if i am the one who will perform it. >> i think she needs to dance the part. we had a talk, i told her, there is no one that can em bot ethos emotions the way she can. >> the ballet opens with the worst night of her life. the night she learned colin had been killed. >> my husband and i were in bed, i had not slept at all that night. people say mother's in tuition. it was 4:30 in the morning and the door bell rang. >> her husband went to the window. >> he looked out the window and said "amy, it's two marines."
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>> two real marines would play the part. >> you would pretend to say we are so sorry but yesterday, you know, colin was killed in action. >> for the preview performance more real marines would be in the audience including colin's commanding officer. >> what do you hope his fellow marines get from this ballet? >> i hope they will stop wishing that they had been the one who had died. i hope that they will say "i need to make the most of my life because i was spared and i am meant to do good things." >> and there she is, dancing the role of her lifetime, heartbreak and love with every step. >> every death helps those of us
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who are left behind to come together, to reach out to each other, to love each other better. it is sad that sometimes we have to grieve in order to love better. but it is true. ♪ >> osgood: ahead, must see tour.
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>> osgood: you don't know what you've got until it's gone, from the joni mitchell song. it's not always true. at least not for one boy our steve hartman has met. >> 9-year-old ben pierce from
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denton, texas, isn't blind. he's just preparing for that eventuality. born 17 weeks premature, ben suffers from a condition that slowly stealing his sight. 's already lost his peripheral vision and his parents, dan and heidi, say the rest may soon follow. >> our goal became, what can we help him experience to, we sat him down said, what do you think you want to see, what is on your wish list? are you excited? >> the last year, the pierces have been crossing sites on ben's "before i go blind" bucket list. they have explored everything. from the depths of arizona to high above alaska. from places they can go in their van. to far away. >> i have no idea. >> me either. >> the kid is nine. which is also reflected in the list itself. >> we tried to stay very true to
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exactly what he said. it was weird. inside of a water tower. wanted to see the inside of the apple store. his enthusiasm about seeing these things, his joy is contagious. >> today is chalk under a microscope. yes, that was actually on the list. that's your chalk dust. >> his parents are trying to cram in different visuals as we can. >> we'll be able to talk about what the ocean is like. >> he will remember in his mind what it looks like. >> it's a gift he may never be able to fully appreciate. at least, so i thought. you realize how lucky you are that your parents are helping make all this happen? he considered that for quite awhile. then asked me a question. >> do you have a pencil? >> as his parents later explained. when ben finds a question too
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emotional to answer, he prefers to draw it out. eventually he handed me a full sheet of doodles which included the word "aurora" as in borealis, tattle guy saying, wow, the words, ipad from dad. >> all these people. ben may be losing his eyesight he clearly sees what he's got. >> osgood: ahead. >> beautiful story, i love the story. >> osgood: bradley cooper bringing his dream to broadway. later -- >> i'm not doing this to go back to jail. >> campaigning for a comeback. just 5 minutes. un
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♪ >> osgood: it's "sunday morning" on cbs. here again is charles osgood. >> osgood: that's bradley cooper dancing with jennifer laurence in the 2012 movie that earned him an oscar "silver linings play book" his latest
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role is very different and as he explains to serena altschul the realization of long standing dream. >> you were in grade school when you came here? >> oh, yeah. there was an organ down there, would come in between shows. completely redid this. wow. >> when bradley cooper was a kid in the philadelphia suburbs, he'd sit for hours in this theater watching movies with his dad. >> when you sat here in this theater as a kid, did you think at all, like, i'd love to be an actor? >> 100%, yeah, it was a joke. for people around mona this little kid was saying i'm going to be an actor. >> his father, charles, who passed away three years ago works show him classic films. >> apocalypse now and "deer hunter" "taxi driver." >> you were young. >> like 11 other 12. i was excited because he was
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excited. >> nearly 30 years later, roles in films like "american hustle" "silver linings playbook" and "the hang over" -- >> the night the four of us. >> made cooper one of the biggest movie stars in the world. and don't forget "people" magazine once named him sexest man alive. >> what did your mother say? >> she was excited. but it his father's insistence on watching one particular movie that changed everything. >> when i saw "the elephant man" i knew it. it crystallized. this is what i want to do with my life. >> the 1980 film stars john hart, anthony hopkins and anne
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bancroft. american writer, bernard pomerance told his version in that 1977 play. both tell the true story of a severely deformed london man named joseph merrick, john in the film and play, who is put on display as an attraction in a freak show known as "the elephant man." >> something about this guy's spirit that is connected with people and it connected with me in a pretty fundamentally profound way. >> the story left such an impression on cooper that he performed the role of merrick for his master's thesis in drama school in new york, his research led him to england. >> honestly, it was something that sort of over took me. it wasn't a big planned thing, i thought i was going to do the thesis. wait a second, get a round tryptic it. >> made his way to the hospital where merrick lived was studied until he died in 1890 at the age
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of 27. >> i was crossing white chapel road, walked in the gardens that he walked at midnight. incredible. cooper's interest continued to grow. in 2012 he brought his interpretation to the highly regarded williams town theater festival in massachusetts. >> was that dream born in williamstown or hatched a long time. >> to do it on broadway? >> yes. >> i'm someone who thinks that i never thought i'd be able to do the elephant man on broadway. >> guess what, he's on broadway now. >> so, this is kind of a dream come true for you. >> yeah. it's absolutely surreal. >> it's been a surreal two years since we last caught up with the 39-year-old native of jenkintown, pennsylvania. just before he was nominated for an oscar for "silver linings
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playbook." >> this is what i believe to be true. you have to do everything you can. you have to work your hardest. if you do, if you stay positive, you have a shot at silver lining. >> bradley cooper. >> he earned second nomination for "american hustle." >> if i really wanted to [bleep] bother you this is what i'd do. >> still in 7th heaven. >> the oscars are a long way from reenacting movies as a kid in his back yard. >> just walk, which my mother hated. thank you. movies like "platoon" or "stand by me" it was all about train tracks. so me and my friends would pretend we were in "stand by
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me." >> and his strong philly roots always draw him back to family and friends. >> the older you get, you start to appreciate where you came from. and when i was living here i thought, i didn't feel the way i do now. now i just love it. i don't want to let it go. >> now, the kid from the small town suburbs of philly has taken the role that changed his life to the biggest stage in the world. >> you get to do it the way we want to do it, which is sit down, just a regular stage, about the relationship between a character. >> so many things to say. you're so beautiful. >> cooper twists and contorts his body to become merrick alongside so star patricia clarksoz i noticed your fingers are tied up, you've got a
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shoulder going down. your whole body changes. >> yeah. >> thank you for coming. >> is that exhausting at the end of the show? >> yeah, it is exhausting. it's exhausting but i have to say, talk to me after 110 performances. >> i will. >> it's exhausting but i love it so much, i have to say that it feels like such an honor, i know that sounds cheesy, every time i do it i feel lighter afterwards. >> what does it take to do a role like this versus phil. >> easier than some ways and exponentially more difficult. easier because it's a real person. whenever you are playing a real person, i finished playing chris kyle, something when do you that it's not about you any more there's whole reservoir of energy that i didn't know that i had. you are giving over, like every night before, i really do have a
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moment with merrick and thank him hope i do right by him. not so much a feeling than playing character has just been created. >> you feel a sense of responsibility? >> very much so. >> when the curtain goes up this friday, bradley cooper's fascination with "the elephant man" just might come to a close. >> let it go. you need to stop telling the story. everybody knows the story. >> maybe you're finding something new in it. >> you know what, i'm going to be 40 in january. he died at 27, almost 28. so i think this is probably the swan song of merrick for me. >> still, one thing's for certain, his father's presence will be with him just as it was all of those years ago. >> i feel my dad all the time. yeah, i mean, i feel him
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constant glee what do you think he would think about you opening on broadway with "the elephant man"? >> we be so excited. >> osgood: ahead. >> as soon as i was hold enough i was poised and eager to cast my first vote. >> osgood: why every vote counts. for easy cooking. helping you cook recipes like speedy sausage rigatoni in just thirty minutes! dinner accomplished. try new campbell's® soups for easy cooking. i have $40,ney do you have in your pocket right now? $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards
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before. >> help us out here, you can do that. >> what is the recipe for revitalized providence? >> leadership. vision and experience, simple. >> the demographics have changed. >> suffer has. but not the ingredients in the sauce here. >> but at 73, this isn't the same buddy that left office tin 2002, for starters there's something missing. why did you get rid of the toupee? >> well, you know, i didn't feel a need for it any more. there was no need to wear it any more. what you she is what you get. and -- by the way a lot of people say i look better without that squirrel on my head. >> you did call eight squirrel. >> it was my pet. i named it the squirrel. >> but baggage buddy cianci carries from his 21 years in the mayor's office may be a little harder to lose. >> i will support the constitution and laws of the
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united states. >> his first go around in city hall ended in disgrace in 1984. >> punch him, hit him, slapped him and kicked him repeatedly. >> after he pled no contest to assaulting the man cianci suspected was having an affair with his estranged wife. >> at one point he hurls an ash tray at the man. the man ducks. >> he tries too club him with a fireplace log. >> did i pick up a log. i threw it in the fireplace. >> insisted to me that he simply threw the log in to the fireplace. >> total fabrication. >> next tried to club him -- tried to club him. jumped in and stopped him. >> there's nothing new about my past. no one is going to get a pulitzer prize. no one is going to get an emmy by talking about -- not going to
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get it, it's hardly worth -- not breaking news. >> say the education system -- his second stretch as mayor started in 1991 and ended in 2002 with conviction for racketeering that landed him in jail for four and a half years. >> you will not acknowledge that you did anything knowingly wrong to put you in there. >> i will tell you that -- talk to the jury. the jury found me not guilty of all charges except one. i'm not saying they didn't make mistakes, i did. >> buddy will tell you only got him on one count that one count counted. racketeering conspiracy, masterminding criminal inter price out of city hall. >> which is exactly how the judge described providence under cianci. with bribery, extortion and pay to play were business as usual. cianci a republican turned
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independent was released from prison in 2007. >> shouldn't have gone to prison. >> under the system of law that we have, yeah, i guess you're supposed to pay the price. i've always proclaimed my this innocence. >> your political record, what are your proudest achievements? >> one proudest achievement i have, raising self-esteem of the people of the city of providence to the level they never thought they could achieve. >> fair enough. providence under cianci in the 1990s boomed. hundreds of millions of investment dollars poured in to the city, a bustling river front district was created along with nationally recognized arts and restaurant scenes. "money" magazine named providence one of the best places to live in america. >> it does get credit for being a good cheerleader when it end went renaissance.
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providence has been the step child to boston, the smudge on the highway to cape cod as "wall street journal" once called us. >> memories. good buddies that kept hope alive for another return to office. >> does it bother you that he spent time in prison? >> buddy's past isn't out of sync with state with his tore rear of so much corruption it was once dubbed, rogue's island. the crimes for which you were convicted are people of rhode island just used to that kind of thing? >> well, there is a bit of jadedness about it. there's a whole congo line of rhode island politicians who have been indicted. >> ex-cons have been elected in other cities, is there another situation that is comparable to this one? >> i think buddy has long center tradition of political rogues in
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america. james michael curry who was re-elect from jail cell. huey long, marion barry,. >> thank you very much. >> a little bit of funny business behind the scenes is inevitable in city government? >> i think in this day and age, especially with me, where i've been, what i've been through with the experience i've had, no, i don't think that's allowable. i don't think that's necessary to run a government. >> you think zero toll glans absolutely. zero tolerance. >> impossible. >> i'm not doing this to go back to jail. i know i'm going to be one of the closest watched administrations probably in american history. if they find anything wrong they will send seal team six in. his opponent jorge elorza hopes. >> this is my first campaign. i was a judge past four years i stepped down to launch the
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campaign, it's been a great experience. >> a recent poll has him comfortably ahead. >> about 24 years since he ran a competitive race. frankly demographically the city has changed since then. also the sensibilities in the city. we don't want to return back to the paid to pay politic of the past. >> buddy cianci. >> best hope may be that voters remember providence's glory days. his only other hope may well be divine providence. >> do you think he's going to win? >> i don't know that he will win. he has an uphill battle. that is against him. >> this is his life, the city of providence. >> people always say, don't count buddy cianci out.
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>> osgood: here is a look at the week ahead on our "sunday morning" calendar. monday, is national sandwich day. a celebration of the breaded snack invented by the fourth earl of sandwich back in the 1700s. tuesday is day one of the collaborative stove design workshop at new york's brookhaven national laboratory, challenging teams from all over the world to design automated wood stoves that are low emission, efficient and affordable. wednesday, forbes releases its
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annual list of the world's most powerful people. russian president vladimir putin beat out president obama last year for the number one spot. thursday is the night for the salute to the troops concert at the white house. performers include mary j.blige, john togetherrer tee and willie nelson. friday, a string of 8,000 balloons will be illuminated along the length of the former berlin wall ahead of next sunday's 25th anniversary of the day the wall fell. and saturday sees the presentation of the honorary oscars. with 94-year-old actress maureen o'hara among the recipients. and the best move of all? having the right partner at my side. it's so much better that way. [ male announcer ] have the right partner at your side.
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consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long. insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. >> osgood: vote or not to
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vote. that is the question some americans have been asking themselves about tuesday's election. nancy giles knows her answer. >> as soon as i was hold enough, i was poised and eager to cast my first vote, especially in a showy, sexy election like president, carter versus reagan. and later mayor of new york city, dinkins-guiliani, the toll dogs. in my mind they weren't ones that made things happen. i'm embarrassed to admit that those other offices, the members of congress, state legislature, local school board, none of those races grabbed my attention or interest. but the dismal performance of the current congress, the 113th, really got my attention. between shutting down the government -- >> mr. speaker it is now midnight and the great government of the united states is now closed. >> countless times to repeal or change the affordable care act after it became law. >> on this house floor we voted
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over 50 times to repeal it. >> and being on track to be least productive congress in 20 years, i finally realized that those little local representatives i never paid attention to play a huge part in running the country. the ledge enterry tip o'neill, former speaker of the house said, quote, all politics is local. i thought i got it. but now i get it. bills that become law on the state or local level often have national impact from restrictive voter i.d. laws to raising minimum wage to, new gun laws and not to be forgotten, gerrymandering, the drawing and redrawing of local districts to help ininsure that a particular party gets a majority of votes. they make up the house of representatives which has a direct impact on how and if our government runs. remember high school?
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classes, surprise quizzes and half way through the year mid terms. if you flunked you had a good chance of flunking the class. well, the mid term elections are just days away and if you're 18 or older, if you don't vote in the mid term elections, if you don't participate and do your part to insure that our democracy is truly a representative one, i've got news for you. that will be way worse than failing a class. you'll be failing yourself and your country. so vote. every election counts. >> osgood: contributor nancy giles. of course after you vote on tuesday join cbs news for complete coverage of campaign 2014 results. which brings us to bob schieffer in washington for look what's coming up on "face the nation." good morning, bob. >> schieffer: just that, charles. is what's coming up. the elections on tuesday we'll
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talk with republican senator rand paul, democratic senator amy klobuchar about that. then talk to u.s. ambassador to the u.n. samantha power. just back from west africa on the ebola situation there. >> osgood: bob schieffer, thank you. next week, here on "sunday morning." next week, here on "sunday morning." writer and director jon stuart. and smells gorgeous. i use it... my whole world uses it. head & shoulders. now smells better than ever. left twix® is extra crisp so it stays crunchy when we apply caramel and chocolate. >>right twix has the same thing. they have packing tape like that over at right twix? try both. pick a side. twix you could be at the corner of "i'm throwing away money" and "i had no idea."
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well, walgreens has your back. our expert pharmacists make it easy for you to save on your prescriptions. so you can keep your money where it belongs. swing by walgreens... ...where you could save even more with medicare prescription copays as low as zero dollars. at the corner of happy and healthy. lowe we leave you this sunday after halloween among the rock formations of devil's playground in utah.
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>> osgood: i'm charles osgood please join us again next sunday morning. until then i'll see i on the radio.
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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b i'm bob schieffer, today on "face the nation," it's down to the wire on campaign 2014. this weekend the politicians are racing around the country making last minute campaign stops. what will the obama affect be. >> this election is too important to stay home. don't let somebody else choose your future for you. >> schieffer: we'll talk most in demand surrogate, rand paul. >> if you're freedom loving, leave me the hell alone voters, i urge you to vote for scott brown. >> schieffer: and amy klobuchar. u.n. ambassador samantha power just back from a visit to ebola-ravaged west africa. we'll get her first assessment of the situation there. plus we'll hear from all-star